Q: Where is Wyze Sonz Entertainment located?

A. Wyze Sonz Entertainment is in Atlanta, GA.

Q: What is the phone number for Wyze Sonz Entertainment?

A: For Wyze Sonz Music contact, please visit our contact page.

Q: How do I submit a demo to Wyze Sonz Music Group?

A: Wyze Sonz Entertainment and its employees do not accept, or consider, unsolicited sound recordings, musical compositions or any other creative materials.

For Wyze Sonz Entertainment’s label directors to review a demo, it must come recommended through an established music industry professional, such as a manager, lawyer, agent, producer, artist, programmer, or tastemaker. We suggest you consult with one or more of these professionals for more information.

Please note that if, despite our policy, you submit unsolicited material to us, then Wyze Sonz Entertainment has no obligation, and shall not be liable to you, or to any person claiming through you, based on such submission.

Q: Who do I contact if I am an artist or other rights holder with a question about royalty claims, processing, or administration – including issues such as updating my mailing address and contact information?

A: For answers to questions about artist or producer royalties, including how to read your royalty statement, request accounting, and update your mailing and payee information please write us through our contact page.

Q: I am a member of the press looking for a media contact. Who do I ask if have a question about a Wyze Sonz Entertainment artist, including requests for interviews, review materials, photos, videos, credentials and other assets?

A: For all media questions about Wyze Sonz artists please contact us.

Q: Who do I contact if I’m interested in licensing a song or video from a Wyze Sonz Entertainment artist for use in my film, television, commercial, web series, radio show, podcast, multi-media project, etc .?

A: If you would like to license master recording rights from a Wyze Sonz Entertainment artist, please

Q: Where can I find more information about Wyze Sonz Entertainment?

A: Right here. This is the official Wyze Sonz Entertainment website.